Monday, September 14, 2009

The Oath (PSO, Part II)

The most valuable thing I learned at my Pre-Service Orientation in Albuquerque (besides how to spell Albuquerque...) was how AmeriCorps and VISTA are related and the mission of each. This really helped me to begin to understand my role with the Upper South Platte Watershed Association and my opportunities as a VISTA. With that in mind, I'm going to run through some brief (I promise!) descriptions of the organization to help you better understand my role in the whole thing.

AmeriCorps - a program of national service that was founded by President Clinton in 1994. AmeriCorps is the umbrella organization overseeing many domestic service/volunteer programs, including VISTA. AmeriCorps members address critical needs across the US and largely focus on direct service.

VISTA - stands for Volunteers in Service to America. Although it is now under the umbrella of AmeriCorps, VISTA was actually envisioned as a domestic Peace Corps by President Kennedy and became law under President Johnson in 1964. All VISTA members work to eliminate poverty and, unlike other AmeriCorps programs, VISTA focuses on planning and capacity building in addition to direct service. Although support lagged for VISTA (and AmeriCorps as a whole) under the Bush administration, the Obama administration has voiced strong support for the program and a relatively large amount of stimulus money went to the creation of new VISTA positions.

That's basically the backdrop I'm working in. So even though in my day to day job I am working with the Upper South Platte Watershed Association and the Jefferson Conservation District, my living stipend comes from AmeriCorps and is purposefully set at the poverty line. This means that, for the organizations I work forwith, I am technically a volunteer, even though I am treated like a regular employee.

After learning all about AmeriCorps, VISTA and poverty during my week at PSO, I discovered that I was required to take an oath to officially begin my term of service as an AmeriCorp VISTA volunteer. I know that most jobs require you to sign a contract, but I was more than a little weirded out by the fact that we had to raise our right hand and actually affirm our commitment to service.

In case you are curious, here's the oath:
"I do solemnly swear/affirm that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
That I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;
That I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion;
And that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.
So help me God (note: this line is optional)."

Um, what????!!! I'm pretty sure that's the same oath that soldiers have to take. And potentially the same oath Obama had to take when he was sworn in. If not the same, pretty darn close. I guess I didn't realize how much of a commitment being an AmeriCorps member is / is expected to be. The weirdest part was that no one else seemed to think it was weird that we had to take an oath. What do they know that I don't??

Oh, and if you are an enemy, foreign or out! Apparently, I'm gonna getcha.

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