Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I always said I would never do AmeriCorps. Although I like the idea of giving back to my country through a year of national service and value social justice and direct service in my work, I was never interested in a year of forced poverty and the paradox of paid volunteerism. My time is better spent, I thought, working towards resource equity with a socially-just organization and volunteering on the side.

So how did I get here? The truth of it - as unromantic and unidealized as it might be - is I'm here because I got a fantastic job. I will spend the next year (at least) with the Upper South Platte Watershed Association and the Jefferson County Conservation District as a Watershed Development Coordinator. My focus will be developing urban agriculture and forestry programs to better the lives and health of the communities in the watershed and the watershed itself. It seems like a fabulous opportunity to be a community organizer, grants writer, lobbyist, researcher, resource manager, farmer, event planner, program coordinator and water-lover, all wrapped up into one.

Because I did not choose AmeriCorps but rather a position that happens to be funded by AmeriCorps, I am entering this year somewhat skeptical about the AmeriCorps part of the experience. Why is my stipend so small? Why do I have to be considered a volunteer? Why am I not allowed to have a second job? …Why do I have to fill out so much paperwork?

This blog is intended to explore the dirty details of being an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer. It will be a combination journal/soap box and hopefully can provide some insight to future VISTA volunteers and life updates for my friends and family.

I’m hoping this year will be great and that the job and positive aspects of AmeriCorps VISTA will outweigh some of the frustrations I am feeling now. I’ll keep you posted…

1 comment:

  1. Elana, I'm looking forward to following your adventures! Love your blog title!
