Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Evicted, Part I

I'm being evicted.

Yes, my roommate and I always paid our rent in full and on time. No, we did not violate our lease in any way. Yes, we signed a 12-month lease that doesn't end until September. No, we did not engage in illegal activities or any provide our landlord with any other reason for eviction.

We are being evicted because rotten wood/mold was found in the structure of the building and the landlord deemed it a hazardous living situation (hmm, forced asthmatic cough + litigious society...do I smell lawsuits coming???). So now we've been given a month to leave. While there are a few empty apartments in the complex we could move in to, there are definitely not enough vacancies to house the 20+ apartments that are being emptied.

My frustration with the situation is the lack of choice and the lack of control. A few days ago I was discussing people's fear of flying with a friend and we decided that it is the complete lack of control that scares people. Once you are on the plane, you can't get off...and you can't help steer. Right now, I feel like I'm on that plane and, although I'm sure we'll get through this without a crash landing, the current turbulence certainly makes me want to vomit.